Saturday 28 February 2015

Seasonal mood disorder

The disorder mood seasonality of the famous psychological disorders that are linked to climate change, which is more prevalent in the winter, so some call it the term "winter depression", and notes that such a case exists in a wide range of people, but they are frequently limited effect, but its impact growing in some few cases, to appear in a satisfactory manner, in what is known ill seasonal mood.

It is noted that the disease often appears in the third decade of life, which affects women more than men, as the genetic marker plays a role in this matter, experts have attributed the winter depression to the physiological and biological changes that occur to the body in conjunction with the weather, climate change, leading to a number of pathological effects, perhaps the most important ..

• dischronation: which arises due to changes in body temperature, and the lack of exposure to the sun.

• lack of the hormone serotonin: which scientists consider as the hormone of happiness, where he works to give a feeling of happiness, comfort and calm.

• lack of the hormone melatonin: a hormone secreted by the pineal gland, and the preservation of the body's biological clock is irregular, also gives a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

It is noted that the symptoms of seasonal mood disorder usually Matbdo simple, then gradually increase to resemble the traditional symptoms of depression, as it should be pointed out that the symptoms of winter depression are frequently different from the symptoms of depression summer, where the symptoms of winter depression are a ..

• increased appetite towards food, especially sugars and fats.

• the desire to sleep for long hours, especially in the daytime hours.

• increase the weight, which is a natural consequence of the increasing desire to eat sugars and fats, and Mikablha of desire to sleep lying down.

• tendency to introversion isolation, a sense of laziness and lethargy.

• Lack of sexual desire.

• disturbance of the menstrual cycle in women.

The symptoms of depression summer Vtkon usually reverse the symptoms of winter depression, and include ..

• Loss of appetite.

• Weight loss.

• difficulty sleeping and the risk of insomnia.

• Increase libido.

And for the treatment of seasonal mood disorder are resorting to some therapeutic roads, some of which are traditional methods, while some of the ways to be innovative, non-traditional, generally, the most famous of these roads ..

• Photodynamic therapy: where is the use of white light shining similar to the sun, the source of a particular a light designed for this purpose, where they are exposing the patient to the light for half an hour a day in the early morning hours, that this treatment lasts for at least a month.

• Anti-depressants: but should be used such drugs under the supervision of a medical specialist.

• A diet antidepressant: This is done by focusing on eating certain foods is working to offset the decline hormone serotonin level, and perhaps the most important of these foods: avocados, dates, banana, pineapple, fish, eggs, as well as low-fat dairy products.

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