Thursday 19 February 2015

Benefits of the banana fruit and secrets not known by

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Banana is one of the fruits loved by the many and eat appetizers to taste sweet and also by the many benefits it contains vitamins, minerals, sugars and proteins also addition to that he provide the body with the energy it increases the value of the meal and has many benefits because it included articles stating the body or the lack of it Mahhtoyat harm the body are considered testimony such as lack of fat increases the cholesterol or sodium raises blood pressure, you will learn about all the benefits of bananas Benefits of the banana: There element potassium banana This element gives strength to the brain and increases the waking mind and skills In addition to giving vitality to the mind and body Bananas contain manganese component is also a useful component of the metabolic processes and strengthen bones Bananas contain potassium, which is one of the important minerals to maintain the nervous system and muscle cramps and also protects the heart and protects from heart disease and blood pressure Banana is rich in iron, which raises the proportion Alheimocalobien in the blood, which is the treatment of the Anime it also protects you and treat you the risk of acute anemia Contains vitamin B6, which helps adjust the level of sugar in the blood and works to ease the pain of session for women Due to bananas contain potassium, magnesium and some vitamins, it works to help smokers quit because it regulates nicotine and reduce the body There are bananas in iron and vitamin C they Icoma a significant role in the renewal of cells in the body and to maintain their health in addition to strengthening the body's immune system Banana fruits are easy to digest, which helps to regulate bowel movement and reduces constipation because it also contains dietary fiber Helps to get rid of stomach acidity or not caused by Kadeg expression because it eliminates intestinal disorders and stomach bugs There are some bananas acids reduce stress and fatigue and this is what reduces the feeling of depression Benefits of the banana holder: Pregnant woman's health is very important because it is transmitted to the fetus must also take care of the diet well and banana several benefits for pregnant women - Bananas can help pregnant to reduce the pain in addition to organizing the mood to have this because it contains vitamin B6, which works to control blood glucose - Assist in the birth of the fetus moderately heat where he works to reduce body temperature mother - Useful for pregnant women during the first months of pregnancy you feel nauseous he is working to organize a bowel movement and calm the stomach - Contains vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber increase the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus consequential - There bananas ratio of potassium, which regulates water in the body and stimulates the brain and regulates the heartbeat and the availability of oxygen to the brain also Benefits of the banana hair: There are two important elements of the banana hair potassium, magnesium and two - Recipes for hair: The first recipe: Components: 2 banana peel _ 2 tbsp olive oil _ 2 tbsp mayonnaise Method: Dried banana peel in the sun and then milled until the powder Then put the ingredients together and kneaded well and leave for 30 minutes After leaving the mixture is placed on the hair for a period of not less than 4 hours And rinse thoroughly and Sttakchin of embrittlement and damage hair becomes soft The second recipe: Used for those who suffer from dry hair, namely: Mashing a banana and placed on the hair which is fresh and leave it for half an hour, then rinse hair with warm water Benefits of the banana skin: Bananas vitamins and minerals, which are very important for the skin and purity contain elements and there are some masks that enters banana to treat some skin problems or the qualities of the skin, including: - Oily skin: Ingredients: 1 banana _ 1 tablespoon lemon small _ 1 teaspoon yogurt Recipe: Placed with some components after mashed banana and mix all ingredients with some The mixture is placed on the face for the ensuing hour then rinse or wipe out of cotton and warm water - Dry skin: Ingredients: Banana almond oil _ _ honey Recipe: Mashed bananas and placed him the rest of the ingredients almond oil and honey Apply to face and leave about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water - Clean the skin: Ingredients: Banana _ 3 tablespoon honey Recipe: Mix ingredients well with some mashing The mixture is placed on the face for ten minutes and then rinse with warm water - Wrinkles: Ingredients: Banana _ 3 tablespoon cold milk Method: After mixing milk mashed bananas The mixture is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water Benefits of the banana for women and men: Banana is one of the fruits that benefit the body unisex males and females because it contains very useful materials and elements of vitamins and minerals that protect the body from stomach ulcers and regulate blood pressure and protects the body from the brain hemorrhage For men Bananas can help men to increase sexual ability Benefits of the banana in the accursed work: Eating bananas during Altmarinat very important for the body because it contains elements of dietary fiber and antioxidants, and also gives the body vigor and vitality and strength to pursue Tmarenatk Bananas contain some of the complex carbohydrates, which works to burn fat and can deal with a banana on an empty stomach every day about TWO • the benefits of banana juice: All forms of fruits useful if the juice or fruit and eats a lot like to eat a banana with milk juice gives you energy because it is useful and very nutritious and its benefits: - Lowers blood pressure in the body - Gives the vitality and energy of the body - Handles and protects the body from stomach ulcers - Works to increase white blood cells and antibodies for cancer - Increases the strength of the body's immune - Struggling aging • Benefits of the banana peel: Each part fruit has benefits even chaff which everyone is that he has no interest and place trash Valakecr has many benefits such as: - Works on the treatment of burns, skin and foot ulceration - Use it in recipes to purify the skin and nourish hair has been mentioned many recipes benefit hair and skin and moisturizing of the banana peel - If you put wet banana peel on your head for a quarter of an hour will save you completely from migraines...

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