Wednesday 18 February 2015

Beware wash eggs after buy Do you know why?

A lot of people who wash their eggs and then placing it in the refrigerator, Whether in homes or shops (restaurants, bakeries ...). And specialists advised not to do so because the egg crust contains many pores (Small openings microscopic) be closed so as to avoid entry of germs And contamination of the egg from the inside, especially when you are under the hen (Glory to God). Once we open up this washed with water and Almsmat be susceptible to contamination and corruption Especially if the longer keep them in the freezer and repeat the last open throughout the day. Gaalba and have this matter is the main cause of food poisoning collective (Weddings and Aezzomat, restaurants, schools, restaurants, pastry shops ... etc.) And in which the egg is common article and the most widely used. So it is advisable not to wash eggs at a time use only, Ie if you washed you to use it immediately If your statement information. Alrh published (Post. Sheer) Perhaps someone else will benefit. So the zakaah science notification...

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