Thursday 19 February 2015

Black bean, cumin, black cumin, Aelkezhh, Nigella, Nigella, Alcalonge black, black caraway

Image result for Black Cumin

Herb Yearbook above 30 cm, her leg upright branching deep and accurate cutting leaves and blue flowers to gray horns and serrated seeds, native to western Asia, is grown in many parts of Asia and the Mediterranean region for its seeds, also known as gardens. Seeds gathered when ripe. Seeds contain 40% of the fixed oil and one of the saponins (Almilanten) and about 1.4% of the volatile oil. Nigella sativa oil contains many essential fatty acids Nigella sativa contains material which is Nigellone a natural antioxidant, as well as glutathione. Contain the seeds of Nigella sativa on acid arginine. Was found on the black bean in the tomb of Tutankhamun, was cited Dstorders Greek physician (doctor Greek famous lived in the first century AD) that the seeds of the black bean taken to treat headaches and influenza nasal tooth pain and infectious worms, are also taken great diuretic quantities and to induce menstruation and increase der milk. Word interview in Sahih Bukhari Aisha - God bless them - he said: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him: "This black bean cure for every disease except poison, I said: What is poison? Said death." Like many herbs, spices Thah, according to the seeds of the black ring digestive and soothing stomach pain and Chnecatha and reduce wind and flatulence and colic. The seed disinfectant. The Nigella sativa used since ancient times in spicing pancakes to earn taste delicious, and mixed with molasses and sesame crushed sweetness taken on an empty stomach Kmqoah and stimulant and expelling phlegm and to resist the severe cold in the winter cold, and increase immunity against colds and asthma attacks. Said by Ibn Sina His law "and Nigella (Nigella sativa) cayenne section of the mine evacuation and analyzes the wind and blowing and extremely purified and placed with vinegar pimples deciduous and solve tumors sputum and solid However vinegar on the sores sputum and scabies festering, and benefit from the common cold, especially powder and Mdjaola in Sarra Linen , painted on the front of a headache. If soak in vinegar for the night and then crushed and given to the patient inhales benefit from chronic pains in the head. to kill the worms, even coating on the navel, and generates menstrual if used for days and watered honey and warm water for a pebble in the bladder and kidneys. " In a reminder of David for Nigella sativa: "Use of Nigella sativa every morning cooked with raisins reddens the skin and Asfiha and ashes cut hemorrhoids coating though cooking with olive oil, Qatar oil in the ear healed from colds or anointed the head presenter prevent the decline of flu However Handal and Wormwood out parasites abdominal coating on It navel antidote toxins so that tobacco smoke expelled vermin. " If you cook Nigella sativa crushed with olive oil and said that increased strength Beh after despair. Addiction to drink and generates urine and menstrual and milk. The oil is extracted from the seeded placed prevent only 5 points on the coffee Vtahedo frayed nerves, and the benefit of the nervous cough and flu. And stimulates digestion and generate saliva and expels wind and blowing and generates urine and menstrual. If you cook Nigella sativa vinegar and rinse with water Mtabuchha Bhadra benefit toothache for the cold. A meta-sativa medicine Alexandria substance they called "Negilon" from the Latin name "Negilstefa" This article dealt with asthma and whooping cough. As used Nigella sativa valuable treatment of gallbladder and liver disease. And best use of the full Nigella sativa. There is research to suggest that the black pill anti-cancer properties, and reinforcing the immune system defends the body against bacteria and viruses. Dr. Salem Jaber says at King Saud University in Riyadh: "The black seed oil markets located Arabia has no therapeutic value to remember." He says: "The dealers and manufacturers of this oil are black bean roasting, then Akpson seeds extracting oil on the hard, and the proportion of simple and very volatile oil, because the volatile oil evaporates when roasting the seeds." Advised Dr. Jaber hard not to oil, and the use of black seed to use as it is, where it can be crushed and used immediately after crushing directly. Well advised not to crush it and leave, because the volatile oil - which is the active ingredient - blowing some crushing. Can be used black bean powder with honey, and used in a timely manner, or Tesf with water or milk. This is the perfect use for the black bean. The simplest way to deal with black bean be put teaspoon of the black bean dish containing yoghurt are inundated with olive oil. It is the most useful of the breakfast dishes in the morning or dinner. We can summarize the benefits and uses of black bean: - Nigella sativa helps to keep the body's natural heat - Help Nigella sativa on milk production - Nigella sativa a catalytic effect on the immune system - Nigella sativa and healthy food is important and beneficial for children, women and older because it has a variety of food items

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