Tuesday 17 February 2015



Diabetes Type I


Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease immune - self-immune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's immune system, which is his job to fight infection and contamination, against one part of the body works.

When diabetes, the pancreas, and destroy them. As a result, the pancreas produces very little insulin, or it may not produce insulin at all. Therefore, it is the duty of the person with type I diabetes to receive insulin daily, throughout his life.

T now, scientists do not know what is the exact reason why the body's immune system attacks the beta cells, but they believe that the causative factors for this disease include: autoimmune, genetics, environmental factors, in addition to the possible involvement of some types of viruses. Constitutes patients with diabetes type I is about 5-10 percent of the total diabetic patients in the United States. Most often, begins the first type of diabetes development in children and young people, but it may appear at any age stage. Usually, symptoms of diabetes type I disease appear, in a short period of time. This despite the fact that the destruction of beta begins before the onset of symptoms, sometimes several years cells. These symptoms include: extreme thirst, frequent urination, constant hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, extreme fatigue. If there is no diagnosis of diabetes type I and treatment, the patient enters into a state of coma, could lead to his death. This phenomenon is known as diabetic ketoacidosis Type II diabetes The second type of diabetes, the most common types of diabetes among people, which occupies a ratio ranging between 90 and 95 percent of the total patients with diabetes. This type of diabetes is associated with, usually, the progress of age, obesity, genetics and medical history of the family with the disease, the medical record Profile (cases of gestational diabetes, for example), physical inactivity, and ethnicity. Nearly 80 percent of patients with type II diabetes are overweight. Characterized by patients who suffer from diabetes type II pancreas to produce sufficient amount of insulin, but the body - but poorly understood reasons - not be able to use insulin effectively and benefit from it. This condition is known as "insulin resistance." After several years, insulin production decreases, the patient becomes similar situation to that of patients with diabetes type I, as it accumulates in the blood glucose the body can not use its own self-energy source (glucose) effectively. Symptoms begin with type II diabetes to emerge and develop gradually disease. It does not occur suddenly, such as diabetes type I disease. These symptoms include: fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, abnormal thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent infections and slow down the healing of injuries and wounds. But in some patients, symptoms do not appear at all. Gestational Diabetes Women infected with gestational diabetes during pregnancy only period. As is the case for diabetes type II, this type of diabetes is the most common type of diabetes prevalent among women of assets Afro - American, Indian - American, Latin American, as well as among women with a family history that has seen diabetes injuries. Women who have contracted gestational diabetes are exposed, by between 20 to 50 percent of the risk of developing Type II diabetes within 5 to 10 years. Who gets diabetes? Diabetes is not a contagious disease, which can not be transmitted from one person to another. But there are many factors that would increase the likelihood of developing diabetes. Diabetes affects of the first type of men and women in the same proportion disease. As for type II diabetes, it is most prevalent among the elderly, especially those who are overweight.

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