Thursday 19 February 2015

Secrets of the benefits of olive

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Olive is one of the oldest plants known to man and planted and invested precious oil is extracted and used it as a food and medicine. Has been mentioned in Chinese, the Torah and the Bible and the writings of the Koran, Adhu Zaytuna described as a blessed tree.


And the fruit of the olive and a single seed, green and kin to turn to the black shiny purple color when maturity, and contain compounds called Algelokosadat. In Olive 85% of mineral «phosphorus, potassium salts, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, chlorine.» Most vitamins «A, B, C, Aye» given grams percent of it is about 224 calories. And ripe olives have a high nutritional value because of the high percentage of oil. Old recipes came in ancient medical books that olive opens appetite and strengthens the stomach. And opens the Sudd, helps digestion and strengthens the body. In addition to the fruits of the olive leaves useful if chewed, it can treat gum infections, castles and throat tumors and other diseases. The nuclei of the olive is used to treat asthma and coughs Ketbkhirh. Recent studies have described the olive and olive oil in modern medicine as a laxative nutritious, bearing yellow fragmented gravel, useful for patients with diabetes, constipation Olive benefits Nutrition and public health experts are advised to eat a spoonful or two tablespoons of the oil once in the morning and again before bedtime. Olive and is useful in cases Bakherajat and dimples, anemia, eczema, chapped hands and herpes, rickets and rheumatic inflammation of the nerves, in addition to that used as a treatment for hair loss by rubbing the scalp with olive oil evening for ten days and covered all night and then wash hair in the morning, and treatment of gout soak amount of Chamomile Flowers in olive oil and spread out in the sun for four days and then rubbed the place of pain, and to treat eczema, chapped hands infected areas painted with olive oil and Algelesaran In general we can say that olive useful fruits that strengthen the body and protect it from disease. Secrets and miracles: For the first time in history met sixteen months of medical scientists in the world in the city of Rome in the atheist and the twentieth of April 1997 to issue a consolidated their recommendations and decisions on the subject (the olive oil and the Mediterranean diet). Olive benefits They stressed in their statement that eating olive oil contributes to the prevention of coronary heart disease, coronary and high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, it also protects against some cancers. Until 1986, no one took any notice of US researchers and European olive oil, and what we came up Dr. Grenda in the study, which appeared in 1985, and which has proven that olive oil lowers blood cholesterol rolled up studies and research focusing on the benefits of olive oil, and explores the day-to-day More of the secrets of this blessed oil that came from a blessed tree. Olive benefits The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "Eat oil and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree" Whole true small 4498 And how the tree will not be blessed, and I swear to God or their land - the difference between the commentators - in the verse: "Figs and olives." And how not to be a blessing, and likeness of God Almighty light the light of the oil is when he said: "Kindles the blessing of olive tree does not Eastern nor Western" The tree blessing .. and oil Mubarak .. but a lot of people are heedless of him. Olive oil is the gift of heaven to man. The ancients knew some of the benefits, and realized modern medicine - a few years ago - some of the latest ones. Recently we learned that olive oil protects against age .. clot heart disease, and delay of atherosclerosis. And faded legend says that was that olive oil increases blood cholesterol, so the ghost that haunts many. The show of modern science that olive oil enemy of cholesterol, fighting him that I was in the human body. Olive benefits The fact that the Americans Agbton Mediterranean population on their food, they know that coronary heart disease is less common in Italy and Spain and Georhma than it is in northern Europe and the United States. The researchers attribute this to the large consumption of olive oil at the Mediterranean population, and their dependence upon as the primary source of fat in their food rather than obesity (margarine), butter and the like. Book Heart Owner Handbook issued by the newly Texas Institute of Cardiology says: "The communities in which they are used only Allamcbah fat (the most famous olive oil) in their diet as a primary source of fat is characterized by low incidence of coronary heart disease, oil is olive when the population of Greece, Italy and Spain constitute the main source of fat in their diet, and they are characterized as the least vulnerable to coronary heart disease and breast cancer in the world. Not only that, but the Americans to precisely follow those who have at least the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. " Olive benefits Olive in the Qur'an: He sent down water from the sky Vokrzina the plant everything Vokrzina Course get out of it for love compounded and sieving of Talaaha Guenoan Dania and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates suspect and is similar in look to the fruit if Fruit and Anah that in Surely Signs for those who believe in (99). Al cattle He established gardens Marroucat and non Marroucat and palm trees and planting different fruit, olives and pomegranates similar and dissimilar eat of the fruit and if yielded Ouatwa right on harvest waste not by excess He loves not the wasters (141) Al cattle Is the one who sent down water from the sky and you drink it from the trees where Tsimmon (10) grow your own transplants, olive and palm trees, grapes and all the fruits in that is a sign for those who reflect (11) Al-Nahl And sent down water from the sky as far as Vosknah in the ground and I go by the able (18) Voncona your own gardens of palms and grapes you where many fruits, including eat (19) and tree graduated from Mount Sinai sprout oil and relish for the eaters (20), although you in cattle for example Nsagakm than in their bellies, and the many benefits you and eat them (21) and her and carry the ark (22). Al-believers God is the Light of the heavens and the earth, such as light Kmchkah the lamp in the bottle like a dry planet Stokes of blessed olive tree does not Eastern nor Western almost its oil shines though no fire Thompssh Noor Noor Allah guides whom Light and God strikes parables for mankind and God's knowledge of all things (35 ) Al-Nour Man, look at his food (24) I poured water Saba (25) and then split the earth rip (2) Voneptna where love (27) and grapes and Qilla (28) and olives and Nkhala (29) and gardens Glba (30) and fruit and a father (31) baggage you and your cattle (32). Frowned And figs and olives (1) and developed Senen (2) and this country Secretary (3) We have created man in the best stature (4) then Rddnah downfall (5) Except those who believe and do righteous deeds are a reward unfailing (6) What Akzpk after religion (7 ) Is not God Bahakam ruling (8) At-Tin...

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