Thursday 26 February 2015

Weight gain with pregnancy


General guidelines for weight gain with pregnancy: - Pregnant women than normal weight before pregnancy rate These are general lines for the increase in rates of weight during pregnancy if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant until you have knowledge available through this experience. - If a woman is generally moderate weight (do not suffer from obesity or thinness) before pregnancy (GBP approximately 453 grams): - The increase will be from 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. - If a woman suffering from obesity (overweight) before pregnancy: The increase its rate of 15-25 pounds during pregnancy. - If a woman suffers from thin (less than normal in weight): The increase its rate of 28-40 pounds during pregnancy (this depends on your weight before pregnancy). - If the woman was pregnant in a twin or three or more: a pregnant woman to consult a specialist doctor follow-up condition because the increase in weight would be more than the previous rates, depending on the number of twins. - The increase in allowable weight have many benefits in terms of easy women refer to the weight that it was before pregnancy easily, as the body is breastfeeding, and maintains the health of the child. - And follow up with a specialist doctor to help you maintain a permanent weight without excessive, but if you suffer from an increase in weight does not proffer the working system of the diet. Are you pregnant? Eat has become a large amount of fries, pregnancy is not required and feeding him is overeating without the expense, it is a common mistake. To be wary and calculate weight gain during pregnancy, Whether the increase in weight or decrease it may harm your health and the baby ... and the ideal number of kilos you during pregnancy depends on the weight that I was before pregnancy. Maintaining an ideal weight during pregnancy the need for the health of the child, if there is a decrease in the increase in weight, there is exposure to a small child in the weight risk (less than 1/25-pound), while the increase in weight leads to premature birth or a large baby or other health problems in size the future, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or varicose veins. - If you start pregnancy moderate weight: The weight should be between 25-35 pounds over the nine months, by adding an extra 300 calories a day to your diet will help you reach this goal (Examples of foods that provide you with this calorie fruits such as figs 4 or skimmed milk fat). The majority of women increase in weight have to be during the first three months of 4-6 pounds, and then be amended in the second and third phase at a rate of one pound per week. - If you start pregnancy and anti skinny: Should increase in weight will be more than that required when you are a moderate weight, because the decrease in weight increases the probability of the birth of a small child in a little weight. The increase recommended 28-40 pounds and are gradually more than a pound a week in the second and third phase in pregnancy. - If you start pregnancy increase in weight (obesity): Should only increase between 15-25 pounds to be, and this means an increase in weight one pound every two weeks in the second and third phase. Do not try to never lost weight during pregnancy or diet work because it might harm the fetus. - In the case of Twins: If you are expecting the arrival of twins or more increase is between 35-45 pounds, and translates into increased weekly 1/21 pounds in the last two phases. - Where it comes from the increase in weight: Below illustrates where it comes from the increase in weight (in the case if the increase was 29 lbs.): - Blood = 3 lbs. - Breasts = 2 lbs. - Uterus = 2 lbs. - Fetus = 7.5 lbs. - Placenta = 1.5 lbs. - Amniotic fluid = 2 lbs. - Fats, proteins, and other nutrients = 7 lbs.

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