Tuesday 10 March 2015

Treatment through the cosmic energy or Albranik Healing.Albranik Healing does not replace modern medicine , and does not contradict him , but the way this ancient healing providing help for medicine Alhaddat.brana means in Sanskrit ..taqh _ and Brank Healing mean energy therapy or through Taqh.taatm Balbrank Healing treatment through Tkhaal colors and give it to the patient or Nevsk.trivh imagination :

The wizard imagining prana colorimetric own out of his hand and the spotlight on the affected part of the body, if he wanted, for example, shipping Green prana, imagine, simply light green highlights out of thanking his hand, has to be continuous training to become more experienced in Zlk.hma very briefly about this technology There is a lot of science concepts, principles and techniques have not spoken to them in detail. This overview of colors that I treat them and the importance of color .allon red or red prana: tonic, stimulant

- Heater

- Expanded

- Extended

- Distributed (Rotation improvement)

- Orange Binahalbrana: - launcher, a solvent

- Repellent, editor (pathological Energy)

- Anti-congestion

- Antiseptic

- Torn, sparking and destructive .... And other

3) green prana

- Broken (dead and diseased) cells

- Digestive

- Antiseptic

- Decongestants 4) yellow prana: - link or paste

- Metabolism, and generally have much growth

- Instigator of the nerve effect

- Paving or prefix ... ..

5) blue prana

- Anti-inflammatory

- Discouraging

- Anesthetic and analgesic nice

- Chilled

- A blood coagulant 0.6) prana Abannvsjah.taatmaz force and her other five Albrnat combined properties and are used in the treatment of serious types of diseases 0.7) adventitia electrical energy radiation: its properties each Albrnat a stronger than normal adventitia much energy radiation which has an impact on Tgdedea Members and damaged nerves, as have a strong influence cleansed, very strong influence in the rapid treatment of serious diseases.

Reiki is a part of each and every one of us

Energy therapy is the science and art, human used throughout history to treat a variety of physical and psychological problems, as well as the spiritual aspects, especially in worship and access to the moral and spiritual strength, that was when the people depend on the nature and rich sources.

But where the energy come from? Energy present in the whole universe, in everything small was a great mother, present in the planets and galaxies, located in the mountains, seas and forests, while we drink and eat, in gems and minerals, Mineral and Energy existed since time immemorial, a never-ending but it also turns. We do not see energy but we feel and see the results, which is going through channels or connectors, rights and is a good conductor of energy.

Ricky word Japanese term contains two sections:

Rey, and its meaning: universal.

Ki, and its meaning: life energy.

The word means a whole: the global life energy.

The term is borrowed from physics that the ills that Ricky: control the work of the atoms on the level of the body, the body Fathvz molecules vibrating heavily on top, and so melt energy barriers that lead to disharmony and disease.

Some believe that the Japanese Reiki has ancient roots and practices of the Buddhists in the mountains of Tibet, the Chinese are doing in the course of providing treatment to patients, and those practices have been extinct for centuries, so did Dr. Mikao Yossi discovered a second, which is the first of a book on Reiki in the world, then the Dr. Houjero Hayashi one of his disciples to translate his writings in the second half of the nineteenth century, then moved science "Reiki" to an American Japanese researcher called: Takata Hawayo, and that she was living in Hawaii, so she in turn translate Reiki Sciences and published in the West in the seventies of the last century, In 1981, the foundations of her students Reiki Association, which increases the number of members of more than ten thousand members around the world

The human body contains seven head of energy centers - thanks and collected Hkurat- can imagine these centers in the form of rotating eddies emanating from inside the human body towards the outside, and can be seen every special thanks everlasting according to frequency vibrations, and the word Shakura Sanskrit word launched by veteran scientists on energy centers, These centers also relate to twelve track inside the body and the role of these routes the delivery of energy to every part of the body in the form of seismic patterns

There are three levels of the processor graded


Positions hands

There are five principles that the student Aadém day, every hour and minute, they are the foundations of success, success in everything, absolutely everything. They are: 1 - Just for today do not worry

2 - for the day just to Angill

3 - showed

Respect and appreciation for your parents, your teachers, older and larger experience.

4 - Live your life with honesty and integrity.

5 - admitted beautiful and beholden to everything around you.

There is a positive energy and there is a negative energy, you notice one day not to accept you for the person without that you know because it distributes the negative energy, and vice versa when we love someone does not know because it distributes the positive energy, and there are thieves energy, sitting next to you and after they leave feeling Balanhak.oma for learning is easy too, as it depends on a set of easy exercises and meditations,

Attabgaha energy flow to the hands, Tkhaala, and then to all parts of the body .atkelm mentor or master unto thee, thou eyes closed, and after that puts you in a very laid-back mode, puts the Masters his hand on your shoulder for the second head and hand, and suggesting to you to were seen waterfall water flowing on top of your head and this water-colored Alarozk will remove your brain and your thoughts about all the negative pressure, hatred, hatred and selfishness, you are today a new man,

Let the water waterfall flowing from your head to your shoulders and neck to the chest, inhaling every drop of water and let it permeate into every vein.

Mark your heart pumping blue water to all parts of your body, your belly and Ahacaúk Imitlian water which Igslk and cleanse you, the water flows into the hands and fingers and into your pelvis and your members, to the thighs and knees to the soles of your feet.

Let the falling water from the waterfall flowing from your head out of the soles of your feet, look at yourself from a distance and water flowing to you, pray you clean and new, I will see myself so Daúma.bad this is the explanation for how the flow of energy from the universe to you across the head, hands and feet even Every hole of our body, and how to give it to the other person

Ricky others

Positions hands

The third and final Akhary.almrahlh Tnevsm into two parts: Master heals and cures Alaolh Master and Master of Aalm.almrahlh stage, different from previous Alemrahalh reflections, but I can not reflections listed because he promised us that there is no Nfhih non student Almrahlh.ama this final stage is to train Master to give students the principles of this science and Alphen.fa each stage of the training given to the student laid down the idea of ​​a character or image seen Bmkhilth before starting treatment

All of these exercises are focused on faith and to believe that healing energy existed since time immemorial, created by the Creator of man, and the man exercise Altkhaala, relaxation, meditation, breathing, daily for healing ability Altama.sahih there Reiki Master and many but not all Bmistoa some, and sometimes it can be a beginner stronger than the Masters, this depends on the person's own internal cleanliness Alrouhah.almrahlh second is almost the same thing, hopes and suggestions including: Close your eyes and see yourself from the other room, to see yourself from the top of your house, to see yourself from the sky, to see yourself Outside the globe, to see yourself from the outside of the galaxy, to see yourself from the outside all the galaxies, sent to the world the healing power White its light shining, to each galaxy, to all the planets, to the planet, to all continents, to all the houses, to the area, to your home, here.

After this meditation speak Master Mokda you can now healing from a distance, no You can then heal close to you or a friend living in the continent

The first stage name or symbol Altalms:



The second phase cliques name:

 Sie hie kie




Ri is so


The third stage name Code:

To Ko Myo

To Ko Myo



After the completion of treatment in favor of drawing Raco hand sign or thought to clean the body and soul of the patient's organic energy, psychological or spiritual.

Rocco sign or go peacefully

Reiki has become known, enjoys great respect in Japan, and is in the rules and characteristics of the cover aspects of human life as a whole.


Electric power in the hands


Right hand soles contain positive energy stream and stir booster energy, and the soles of the left hand has a negative energy stream: any sedative and analgesic and cleaned, and so we see that it must Ndlk palms of your hands to get the equivalent in the two currents positive and negative, according to the Chinese expression (Alibny and Alyanj). In this energy equation are Alpollarata process. Appeared right hand has a negative energy, unlike the soles of the right hand, and the back of the left hand has a positive energy as opposed to the soles of the left hand, rear and side of the head has a current negative, and if we put the right on the bottom of the head portion Hand soles, and put the left hand soles on the the front of the head, point the front, move the natural energy in the head, and this particular situation does not need to pressure, just put your hands like any touch, this works on the energy equation in the whole body, and always used in Alpollarata.

If we reversed this situation any we left on the bottom of the head portion soles hand and put the soles of the right hand on the front of the head reduce energy level and feel upset and weaknesses of the year, and here we must remember that if we want the pressure point to stop the pain, you should use the left hand (ie sedative and analgesic) or if we want to send healing energy booster for use by the right hand

 The front of the head is the body or places that Eetmkz the logic, either the back Vimrkz their memories and photos.

So laying on of hands to be different between the person and the other depending on the situation.

But more to facilitate the rotation of the hands balances between Alachtlavi, and also laying on of hands on Jnpin head above Alznin Alhqian help balance the left and right of the brain

Magnetic treatment


The magnet consists of two electrodes north pole and a south pole Flinders properties of each pole separately

Arctic increases Alawksugin Almsamyjzb fluid retention and Algazatikll Alsoaúlisaad on Alnoummiharb Altyiein of absorption Alzhenyidam treatment Albeolojyaquaom Altyikll Alelthabbateadel Alhamadahakhvv and stop Alalmiqll Alaltrspat Aldhnyhikll calcium deposition

South Pole

  Reduces oxygen Almsamyesid of Alastikazisaad does not help the growth of any Khalahesid Alelthabbatethbt work Almaalaghizad of Alhamadahesid sensation of pain increases the deposition of fat

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