Sunday 1 March 2015

Without Medication: treatment of colds by natural homeopathy! Abobakercare

نتيجة بحث الصور عن الانف

Instead of dealing with chemical drugs, homosexuality can be cured with drugs. Enter to acquaint yourselves on what exactly the treatment of colds, what is the way how to deal with homosexuality and homeopathic cold and other problems, natural and healthy ways. The cold viral infection of the lining of the nose, sinuses, throat and bronchial large. Flu viruses and respiratory viruses (RSV), regularly appear in late autumn and winter, and cause a whole range of ailments, including colds. Flu viruses transmitted easily from person to person through droplets emitted into the air by coughing or sneezing. The first symptoms of the common cold is the narrow sense of the nose and throat. Batts and the patient begins to suffer from a runny nose and a general feeling of illness (often with low) temperatures. Be nasal secretions water, transparent and large quantity. Secretions become later in thick and cloudy, yellow, green and less quantity. During colds many patients also develop a cough. Symptoms usually disappear after 4-10 days, however, the cough usually lasts longer. May appear in some patients infection in the trachea along with the tightness in the chest and heartburn. Bronchitis patients with long-term aerobic or asthma, also suffer during the cold of difficulty in breathing. Homeopathy is a method that can help many people in the treatment of colds. Classical Homeopathy is a therapeutic approach in the context of which the person is given the drug, which it operates natural healing powers, and this is due to him by the balance and health. What are the fundamentals and features for the treatment of colds and other by homeopathy? 1. similarity law Homeopathy is based on the law of nature: self-self-medicate. Materials can create an image of cold symptoms in a healthy person (eg onions cause symptoms similar to those caused by colds) can cure the common cold, cold when giving homeopathic medicine. 2. healing Treat the roots of the disease and not just the external symptoms. Under the homeopathic virus's ability (or bacteria) in the pathogenesis of disease is not a coincidence due to a deeper problem that must be addressed. Eliminate microorganisms alone is not the right solution and this is the reason why the repeated again and again injuries in many cases. (Inflammation of the throat, ears, etc.). 3. Comprehensive perspective (holistic) Homeopathy does not deal with the patient devices (eg respiratory), separate from the rest of the regulations as a problem, but look at the person as a whole and try to understand the defect in a certain part of a central disorder some results reflected on the patient system. For this reason, homeopathy does not contribute only in the treatment of a cold or flu or pneumonia, but also in the general improvement, thus expire additional problems that we are, to no improvement in physical and mental sensations. 4. Formation medicine homeopathy Homeopathic medicines are not based on the chemicals that artificially change the health status of the patient, but the materials have undergone massive operations of dilution and shaking and works to stimulate the body's natural healing powers. 5. Choose medicine Are selected homeopathic medicines according to the symptoms specific to the patient (for example, when treating the common cold or flu take into account whether there is a thirst, you compounded the difficulties in breathing when lying down or sitting, and whether there is an improvement / deterioration of the day or night, etc.), personal characteristics, and taking into account the root causes that led to the spread of the disease. Consequently, it may well be that gets a different number of patients with the common cold or flu to treat various lesbian. 6. The healing process Every person has the ability to survive. When a person is healthy, he resides in a state of mental and physical balance, where the staying power to maintain harmony and stability. Disease is a violation of this balance. Signs and symptoms are the result of the reaction of staying power to stimulate LDL (physical or psychological), by the mechanics of the body. Symptoms is a signal to indicate the presence of an internal malfunction. To heal really needed to run a vital force in the opposite direction to the direction of the disease and return to the point of balance. As seen in item 1. Material that has been prepared, including medicine, can cause the same symptoms of the disease. Where are subject to dilution and shaking, and given to the patient in the form of a drug like me, and the patient gets this disease again, but are diluted. Vital force in response to this stimulus, this time, to reverse the disease. This way you can get a real treat for many problems, such as colds.

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