Sunday 22 February 2015

Advice to keep your liver

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Watch out for drugs and alcohol, chemicals 1. Avoid unnecessary use of medication without a multiplicity of chemicals may harm your liver 2. Do not mix medications without consulting your doctor may cause the formation of a have a toxic effect on the liver 3. anonymous medicines may cause serious damage to the liver may reach cystic 4. Do not drown your liver in alcohol. Alcoholic beverages causes a disease and cirrhosis of the liver. 5. Do not mix alcohol with any medication 6. Be careful when using chemical detergents. The responsibilities of the liver rid the body of toxic substances, which breathe. Always make sure the place is well ventilated when you use it 7. Be careful when using pesticides, paints and all the chemicals that are sprayed 8. Be careful what touches your skin Valmbeidat sprayed to protect plants from pests may reach the liver through the skin and hurt its cells and remember it dangerous chemicals Avoid viral hepatitis (b) and (c) · Vaccination against hepatitis "B" safe and effective and is given full protection against one of the important causes of liver disease, and you should make sure that your children have taken him. It is very important to the contacts of HIV patients, "b" and each kidney dialysis patients, and patients with blood diseases who need frequent blood transfusions (hemophilia and chronic anemia of all kinds). 9. Be careful when dealing with relatives of patients to these viruses, these viruses live in body fluids including blood and semen, and especially virus "b" 10. We have the virus (b) also in the saliva, which increases the ease of moving "The possibility of transmission of infection through Yerh used by AIDS patients and one in two thousand But if used by a patient viral hepatitis (b) the chance of infection and one out of every four." 11. transmitted viral hepatitis (c) mainly through blood mixing is also transmitted through contaminated needles as used intravenous or tattoo 12. Do not suffer a lot of infected symptoms until fibrosis, which occurs may occur many years later 13. Children should be warning the seriousness of the injection and not playing placed Balsrnecat which may stumble upon 14. should avoid touching the used syringes If the result of the analysis of viral hepatitis (b) or (c) a positive 15. initiated consult your doctor to determine if you suffer from liver failure functions and if you need to consult Liver Specialist 16. If the result of the analysis of viral hepatitis (B positive) analysis should be done for the rest of the family members also should be vaccinated non-infected 17. Ask your physician monitor the emergence of liver tumors for early diagnosis where the tumors are small and treatable 18. If Knin holder can prevent the arrival of the infection to your baby during childbirth in more than 90% of cases by serum and vaccine adversaries of the virus immediately after birth Let your food healthy Since everything we eat must pass on the liver, the mind healthy nutrition contribute to maintaining the health of your liver · Meat and fish and birds provide you with protein, iron, fiber and vitamins :( a) and (b 12) and niacin and thiamine · Bread and beans provide you with carbohydrates, iron, fiber and vitamins: thiamine and niacin and riboflavin · Fruits and vegetables provide you with iron, fiber and vitamins: (a) and (c) · Milk and dairy products provide you with calcium and vitamins (A) and (B-12) and (d), riboflavin and niacin 19. Let balanced diet 20. Avoid foods that contain a large amount of fat and cholesterol to reduce the risk of gallbladder disease 21. Reduce the smoked and salted food intake. Can be used as alternatives Kallimon and onions, vinegar, garlic, black pepper and thyme 22. More than eating foods rich in fiber and fresh bread wheat, rice and pulses such as fruits 23. can replace sweets and high-calorie drinks, which often contain fat fresh fruit 24. Keep your weight close to the ideal weight to avoid gallbladder disease 25. If you want to lose weight and make sure you're dealing with vitamins and minerals in adequate quantities 26. Exercise regularly twice or three times a week will help to maintain the health of your liver Consult your doctor 27. If any of these symptoms appeared initiated consult a doctor: · Yellowing of the skin or eye color · Swelling or severe abdominal pain · Scratcher for a long time · Dark urine, stool color change to black light or dark color · Chronic stress, a tendency to LKE, loss of appetite 28. If you are sick liver follow tips physician in all matters relating to your life style. Learn more about liver disease and learn more about the quality and quantity of food you appropriate And finally 29. continued with your physician regularly and remember that prevention is better than cure 30. Live a healthy way to maintain the health of your liver

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