Sunday 22 February 2015

Hepatitis Abobakercare

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What is the difference between hepatitis, A, B, C, D? There are five initial types of hepatitis, which is A, B, C, D, E, Type A and E come through food and this is what we call the Hepatitis The three other types B, C, D, so by blood and blood products and sexual relations is not called They hepatitis epidemic, but only hepatitis, and hepatitis A, which does not turn into a hepatitis chronic and are cured completely and leaves no traces liver, whereas other species varies the proportion of its transformation into inflammatory hepatic chronic may have an impact and fibrosis liver, and there are differences between the same types of viruses and how to detect and therefore treatment if possible Why rebounded hepatitis in the recent period in particular? Question I thought you did not mean hepatitis, but you may mean hepatitis type C, which actually spread in the recent period, which moves as we said before, by blood and blood products, was not known this virus before the year 1989, the virus is very slow kind in effect and thus may take ten years to fifteen years before symptoms appear on the patient, and thus most of the patients had moved them the virus for many years before the discovery of detection method, and also most of the patients, as we said it comes infected by blood contaminated syringes, and therefore, patients who The blood transfusion them for any reason or in the past have been used, for example, syringes, glass in the treatment of schistosomiasis and this ideal is important, was the virus is transmitted from one patient to another, as well as schistosomiasis is endemic in Egypt, there are some theories that say: The schistosomiasis help sustain virus C in the body There is talk of herbal treatments for hepatitis C virus, to what extent the success of these treatments? Could useless gene therapy in his recovery? In fact, talk about herbal remedies may be somewhat premature; because all previous treatments or previous experiences were not studied scientifically as it should, the real outcome is not known yet, and its direct impact on the virus has not yet gene therapy like studying. What are treatable of hepatitis yet species? We can say that the hepatitis type A, E heals him completely patient, God willing, and leaves no effect on the liver, and 90% of patients with hepatitis B are cured without treatment, God willing, and type d if there is no type b was prevention vaccine, The type of d can not be for him to live in the body without type b, and thus might, we say that the vaccination virus to protect against hepatitis B and D at the same time, the problem lies permission in C virus, and treatment with drugs that are so far succeed by almost 30% in the disposal of cases of the disease in patients with chronic hepatitis and, unfortunately, patients who suffer from chronic C virus in excess of 70% of cases of acute hepatitis ratio How effective is the yellow pill and how to use it? Yellow pill appeared in China in decades, at least 20 years, and, of course, was used in the treatment of hepatitis type B; it kind to be found in Asia and has a very effective results with B virus, and, of course, as only 10% of patients who develop hepatitis B are acute suffering from hepatitis chronic, and since it also is no vaccine for the B virus, it is not our big problem now with B virus, but there are attempts to experience the yellow pill in the treatment of hepatitis C virus, but do not yet know the extent of its effectiveness and its direct impact on the virus and of course the results with C virus are not yet confirmed, but it succeeded by 60 to 70% with B virus in China Is there a perfect cure for any type of hepatitis, or that the virus stays in the body in some way? As we previously said that there is complete recovery, God willing, from hepatitis type A and E in more than 98% of cases, and only 2% may be exposed to infection is very acute liver may lead to death in this case, but there is never a chronic cases of it, and for virus b Treatment is located so far is a Chinese medicine interferon succeed by 40%, while the same property succeed by 7% to only 30% in the case of C virus, and as we have said in the past that the prevention and elimination of B virus also protects against virus d What means are now available to treat hepatitis C? And how to protect oneself from this disease? May Allah reward you. First: Hepatitis is a type A and E. heals them the patient usually without any complications and this is happening as we have said in the past in more than 98% of cases, and therefore they do not need to be addressed; because the patient is completely cured, God willing, and leaves no trace of the liver, Since both types of hepatitis Ikunan by food, Prevention of them are worthwhile clean food and regular cleaning, but for other types which c and b and d Vtkon infection through blood and blood products, so the prevention by making sure blood-free, which is used in the treatment of patients of various diseases and accidents, for example, that it is free of these viruses and the use of syringes (injection) plastic single use only one patient, and avoid dealing in any way with contaminated blood, and also sexual relations with patients and suffer from very high proportion of the virus in blood, but for for treatment, the cure found so far virus C and B is the drug interferon and succeed by 30 to 40% in the case of B virus in the eradication of the virus and 20% to 30% in the case of C virus, and there is also a treat named Amoviden used in cases of B virus in the absence of The ability to use interferon, and there is also another property named ribavirin with interferon is used in the case of C virus, which improves the success rate of a little as we have said previously that get rid of the virus to protect against the virus d Please, what are the cases where we have to work a liver transplant? And when we know that? Since I am suffering from Hepatitis C, and thank you First, I would like to assure you that hepatitis C is not dangerous to such a degree, it is, as I said at the beginning of the modern virus is very slow, and may only lead to cirrhosis in 20% of cases suffering from hepatitis chronic, and thus throughout his life the patient may still suffer inflammation of chronic liver does not suffer from cystic need the virus to almost twenty years; to happen fibrosis in the liver in full, and even after the occurrence of fibrosis patient can live a normal life and exercise activities and work without any problems if you follow the instructions and medical advice, to maintain km effort exerted with some guidelines for food, and thus Cases that need liver transplants are cases where a complete liver failure occurs in the sense that there is ascites abdominal, and the deterioration in liver function quite a small percentage of cases, all what I ask is to follow your status constantly with a doctor who specializes ; to be able to know of any development in the case and can guide you through the required instructions and follow-up liver function on a regular basis Is infection in all types of hepatitis is transmitted through blood? What are the other ways of infection, if any? Infection transmitted through blood in the three types of hepatitis, a b, d, c, as well as to move through the blood may pass this virus through sexual relations, although the transmission ratio C through sexual relations may not exceed 5%, and moves These viruses in this way in the case of a very high you viruses in the blood of these patients, and as we have said before that the transition through the blood does not necessarily mean that the blood transfusion to the patient, but may be through syringes (syringes contaminated), and human vulnerability blood contaminated for by touch or through broken skin, but for a virus, and any Ventqlan through food and drink is not passed down through the blood Are there other causes of hepatitis? What are they? To what extent the ability to diagnose and treat? Of course modern Thdtnah for hepatitis is a virus that affects especially the liver, but there are certainly other types of hepatitis, which may be caused by viruses infect the liver and other parts of the body, ie it is not a specialist in hepatitis just as there Hepatitis is a viral and has other reasons, for example, there is an immune hepatitis and be due to a problem in the human immune system. And methods of diagnosis and treatment are quite different as well, and there is inflammation of the liver due to genetic diseases also be diagnosed and treated in a different way also in a different way You said that not all types of hepatitis epidemic, and there are calls from hepatitis B, what is the validity of that? What is the meaning B? Thank you Hepatitis is suddenly spread among a large group of people in a very short period of time not exceeding days, usually transmitted through food and drink, and so the word hepatitis epidemic does not apply only to the hepatitis type A and E and two friends go through food and drink, but Other species are not epidemic infections, but may only be contagious Is there a vaccination against each of the five types of hepatitis mentioned? Is vaccination varies according to type? First: Every virus from these viruses is quite different from the other, and of course vaccination different type of virus is different, and there is so far only two types of vaccinations and two against the virus A against B virus, but as we have said previously that the vaccination against the virus to protect against Dr. virus also; it follows from it, and therefore the problem lies in CY virus and as any virus is usually curable, the problem lies in the fact that C virus and the virus there is no vaccine has yet Is the disease is transmitted by heredity, any type of hepatitis? Yes, there is one type of inflammation of liver and is transmitted through heredity, in some cases, and so-called disease and Wesson, and the disease is not in the liver alone, but is also in the brains of the patient and in many other parts of the body and affects most of the organs of the body, and there is also another type of shortage certain enzymes in the body, and also lead to inflammation of the liver may end cystic and two species may have a genetic relationship Do we have now with the spread of C virus, you think of the marriage that the analysis of the functions of the liver, to ensure his safety? You could sense the presence of the virus with being inert in the body? First, as we say that C is transmitted through sexual intercourse by no more than 5% of the virus, and only be when the virus ratio is at a very high blood, and therefore preferred to check that the Human analyzed periodically to liver functions, but what I want to point out to him that the liver functions possible to be completely normal and the virus is present in the body and inert, and in this case, the infection of the wife or the husband almost non-existent, if the virus is present by a small percentage in the body there is no fear about moving because of the marital relationship I was Hepatitis A in 11 years, and healed him, thank God, but I was told not to donate blood; because Vic virus but inert does not work, but it may work when moving to another patient, does this statement is true? With thanks to you on this important topic. Of course hepatitis A recover from the patient completely and be has antibodies to the virus, have been infected with the virus the same again, but as he has antibodies does not constitute any kind of dangerous for him, and is therefore prohibited from donating to the blood of others Is it possible for those who were injured hepatitis to get it again? If the answer is no, can be infected with another type of hepatitis? Who gets hepatitis type A or does not catch him again and he recovers completely, God willing, but unfortunately gallery of injury to any other type of liver inflammation Of the most vulnerable to the disease in its different forms: men, women, children? There is no general rule, but the hepatitis C virus (a), (e) affects mostly children and the type (any) may affect women. The danger if the pregnancy was found with hepatitis of this type, as for virus (b) and (c) and (d) ratio equal mostly Is there a natural remedy or more for the disease, such as honey and black pill or a particular diet? Thank you very much Honey also mentioned God in the Koran Karim "wherein is healing for the people," and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him recommended the black pill, but did not prove anything scientific or direct impact to them for hepatitis, and in cases of acute hepatitis full of the most important reasons for healing, God willing, comfort be Almighty Why do we hear here in Egypt, a lot of deaths from this disease? What causes this? May Allah reward Deaths due to this disease does not usually result from hepatitis in itself, and as we have said that the hepatitis sharp does not cause death, but by no more than one in a thousand, but the deaths result from cystic and the failure of full liver, and it takes more than twenty years after HIV infection Hope you some tips for patients with this disease and non-patients. Thank question As we previously said that for Hepatitis (A, E) and two friends go through food and drink, interest in the cleanliness of food and drink and hygiene of man saves for the most part of these two diseases, as for hepatitis (b, c, d) Lack of exposure to infected blood and syringes (injection) is sterile and not to go to dentists who do not sterilize their tools Taqima well, with constant periodic disclosure may protect against God willing, of these diseases, in addition to vaccination existing virus (A, B), so the problem may only confined to virus (C), and as I said earlier that the HIV infection is not so serious that there is evidence of millions of people with the disease do not suffer from health problems Is it possible that the different forms of hepatitis transmitted by eating the meat of animals infected with the virus? Does the animal infected with the virus originally, whether active or inactive? This infection is not transmitted through eating the meat of infected animals; because, as I said earlier that the inflammation (a, e) is transmitted by contaminated food, and is usually not cooked long enough so that eliminates the virus, but other viruses (b, c, d), This will take you through contaminated blood and blood products and sexual relations

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