Thursday 19 February 2015

Carrots ( Daucus Carota )in our health

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The history of the islands The ancients knew him since the dawn of history and said the Greeks and Allatynin. And may be used by the father of medicine Hippocrates and Dioscorides, who was described Islands matches honestly described talk to him, and agricultural islands or land, and land a stronger impact of agriculture. Installation of the islands • Water • essential oils • fat • Sugar • mineral salts such as sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron. • vitamins (D, C, B, A, E, PP) The uses and benefits of medical islands: 1. D to R. Paul, juice handles rain and water retention in the body, also deals with chronic kidney disease and urinary bladder problems, crumbling sand and gravel. 2. treats gout. 3. addresses Puff, expels flatus, stop diarrhea, and Mkra Mjhi and prevents stomach acid. 4. treated vitiligo. 5. sowing carrot treats psychiatric and tension and ill temper. 6. treats allergies and urticaria and atopic diseases, and prevents acne and treat him. 7. Carrot seed and activates the liver, and prevents Alrivian. 8. raise the level of potassium in the blood, and is used with diuretics, which reduce the level of calcium in blood, which lead to health and psychological problems such as poor mood. 9. seed treats diseases of the chest and coughing. 10. frequently in blood circulation in women. 11. important source of carotenoids Carotenoids, a chemical found in plants, especially the islands, a search for benefits in the fight against cancers throughout, and there are two types of these materials: - Type I: alpha-carotene, which inhibits the growth of cancers. - Type II: beta-carotene, prevents the possibility of cancers and heart disease. There is research by the American Foundation for cancer for the benefits of the islands, those who eat carrots afraid likely to develop cancers. 12. islands contain a substance called Calcium Pectate: one of the types of liquid fiber material which reduces the level of cholesterol in blood. It is true that eating Dzrtin day lowers the level of cholesterol in blood of 20%. 13. The beta-carotene substance that prevents myopia, and night blindness disease. 14. The two cups of carrot juice daily to prevent diseases mentioned and prevents enlargement of the spleen. 15. The daily eating carrots makes fun of man. 16. prevents eating carrots for blood clots. 17. enjoy the sound and purifies the vocal cords.

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