Thursday 19 February 2015

Honey therapy, medication honey, honey cure, miracle healing honey

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Human knew honey since the old, and was used for food and treatment, for example, show some old documents on the use of the Assyrians of honey in the treatment, also used it Pharaohs for the same purpose by more than 3000 years, and stated in one of their books full description of the properties of therapeutic honey which stated: "The honey helps to heal the wounds in the treatment of stomach and intestines, kidney disease, is also used in the treatment of the eye, where it can be applied in the form of an ointment or compresses or inside Detergents and oral diseases. " In China, doctors were treating patients with smallpox rinsing the skin with honey what they saw from his rapid process of healing of skin warts caused by infection with smallpox. The ancient Indians Vastamiloa honey to treat certain eye diseases Calcad. It was Hippocrates Enamels honey wounds and infections treated by the pharyngeal and laryngeal and others, describes Kmahdie cough and absorbent to moisture source. Muslims came after that and expanded their use of honey, True to the words of God Almighty and in the description of honey ((The Lord inspired the bee that Atakve of homes in the mountains and the trees, and thereby erect and then eat of all fruits follow the ways of your Lord Zlla out from their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men in that is a sign for those who reflect)) Al-Nahl verse 68-69. The words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, as reported from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased: "Healing is in three: police reluctant or drinking honey or cauterizing with fire, for my ironing," Bukhari. And Ibn Masood Rsa God with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "You Balshvaein honey and the Koran," narrated by Ibn Majah in his Sunan and Ibn Mardawayh ruler and horses and Bayhaqi faith in the people The modern science certified for medical bees, she stated research the role of honey in the treatment of burns and wounds and skin ulcers and healing without leaving traces, to the ability of honey to kill germs and bacteria and its ability to produce collagen, which helps to heal without deformation or effects. The importance of honey studies also demonstrated in the treatment of oral and dental problems and bad breath caused by them. Other studies have shown the role of honey in the treatment of corneal diseases, and also showed its role in the treatment of peptic ulcers and diarrhea, and research continues to reveal that the mine is full of medical healing miracles. Honey for therapeutic purposes method Prefer honey as a solution in water intake for easy absorption components Best daily dose for an adult is 100 grams per day and taken before a meal an hour and a half or two hours, or three hours after a meal. Best daily dose for a child is 30 grams It is essential that the treatment program lasts for a period of not less than 60 days Cheating in honey Yum fraud in honey in several ways addendum sugar sucrose solution or commercial glucose solution or converter or molasses sugar solution The sure way to detect components of honey and see if it is adulterated analysis of a sample in the laboratory...

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