Friday 27 February 2015

Effective drug gradually to quit smoking

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USA researchers said that a drug called "varenicline" longer an option therapeutically useful and effective for people who want to quit smoking within six months, with the recommendation of reducing the number of daily cigarettes. The researchers explained at the Mayo Clinic in the US state of Minnesota study, published in the journal "gamma" scientific, that taking the drug "varenicline" regularly for a period of 24 weeks helps smokers to quit smoking. The study was conducted on 1510 smokers to test the effectiveness of the drug in helping smokers who were willing to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked gradually. Participants said at the start tests they are not ready to quit smoking in the next thirty days, but they seemed more willing to quit smoking gradually within three months. After six months, during which participants took drugs "Champeix" struggling nicotine addiction by influencing some of the nerves of the brain, the proportion of them are no longer smoking four times more than those who quit smoking among other group placebo. The researchers found that 50% of the participants were able to quit smoking gradually within 24 weeks using the drug "varenicline", compared with participants who used the placebo. • intention to quit: Said John Ebert Mayo Clinic research team leader, said that the participants in the study were randomly selected from ten different regions of the United States, and the smokers are unable to quit smoking within a month, but is prepared to reduce smoking the number of daily cigarettes, and they have faith to quit smoking once and for all within the next three months. He added that the guidelines in the United States recommends smokers to set a date to quit smoking in the near future, preferably within two to three weeks, because the lack of commitment to a specific date for takeoff attempt ends in failure. The drug works "varenicline," which is marketed under the name "Champeix" by stimulating the brain receptors that cause addiction to nicotine, and through this this medication can reduce the desire to smoke, as well as reduce the symptoms of weaning that accompany the smoking cessation process. The main side effects of this medication nausea, vomiting, headache, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth and sleep disturbance, in rare cases, you may get cases of mental disorder such as depression.

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