Friday 27 February 2015

The use of antacids errors

نتيجة بحث الصور عن أخطاء استخدام مضادات الحموضة

Considered antacids medications that people usually acquired without prescription official, they are even available on store shelves. It is noticeable that many people are using antacids excessive manner, which calls for doctors to launch their advice about legalizing the use of antacids in order to avoid side effects, such as indigestion, constipation and inflammation of the stomach and the stones in the kidney. One of the best ways to use antacids and take advantage of that is described in knowing the doctor, and shall not exceed a period of use to two weeks is beyond evaluation of the patient's condition and determine whether the need for the use of other means of diagnosing Kmenzar upper GI to know the reason for the continuation of the feeling Bhmoudh stomach. In some cases, the patient needs to use antacids again, there is nothing wrong in it to be after a period of time not less than one month. Among the most important means of alleviating the crisis acidity and flashbacks that are considered healthy diet pattern and follow healthy lifestyle. In spite of this medical reservation to legalize the use of antacids, the results of an American study published in the latest issue of the magazine «Prevention Research of Cancer» by researchers from the University of Michigan, included 596 patients who suffer from head and neck cancer has been issued, use two-thirds of These patients antibiotics acidity (proton pump blockers or histamine 2 inhibitors). The study showed that antacids led to a significant increase in survival rates in general for these patients. The researchers attributed this to the significant role of proton pump inhibitors, which is a function of antacids. The risk of death has decreased by 45 per cent compared to the other people who did not take antacids. Also found in the same study that the use of histamine 2 blockers reduced the risk of cancer by 33 per cent. Esophageal reflux of stomach acid is a common side effect when the patient is under chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which are used in the treatment of cancerous tumors, which calls for the doctor to add to the list of antacids treatment. I've found that antacids used to treat esophageal reflux within cancer treatment did not relieve acidity and reflux symptoms, but also led to survive better when patients with head and neck tumors. Researchers have said that it is not clear to them yet cause the effect of antacids on the development of cancer, and it will continue to search for a mechanism that, but most of it will attempt to find out whether the use of antacids when people who suffer from reflux disease esophageal or who are threatened with injury cancer will reduce the risk of head and neck cancer. These results are limited to patients with head and neck cancer only.

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