Tuesday 17 February 2015

Examination of diabetes

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Body gets sugars or carbohydrates from food. After digesting these sugars, they decompose and turn into simple sugars. Glucose (and other names: dextrose or dextrose, glucose) is the main sugar that is used by our body to produce energy. Glucose is necessary for all body tissues, especially the brain tissue. Because so, our body is making a lot of effort in trying to maintain a steady glucose levels. It is known that the low level to below 50 mg per 100 mL can lead to varying situations of loss of consciousness, coma and even death. Insulin, which the pancreas human insulin, the hormone is the President responsible for the introduction of glucose to the cells of the body after eating meals....

 Suffering of people with diabetes from the low level of insulin and efficacy, for this, they suffer from high levels of glucose in the blood, which could lead to the emergence of many problems in the long run, such as kidney damage, vision, legs, digestive tract and pancreas.

For this it is important to control the level of sugar in these patients. Sugar can be examined by a normal blood test laboratory or by a quick scan through the blood extraction by finger prick....

 Considered very low risk screening sugar levels, does not exceed the "risk" normal blood screening. But it is possible to get a strong bleeding in some patients who suffer from blood clotting disorders (Kalmredy who are taking medication for blood gas). Possible to stop the bleeding by pressure light it for a few minutes by medical cotton

 Jeb on the people who are taking anti-diabetic medication or who use insulin injections, and who feel the cold sweat, heart palpitations, confusion, weakness and loss of consciousness or suffer from a general feeling bad, should undertake an examination of the levels of sugar.

This also applies when suspected eating a particular person or child of anti-diabetic drugs or insulin by mistake. When the sugar level is low (less than 70) or in the event of not being able to check out the sugar with immediate effect, while the net of human mind, you have a drink containing sugar or chewable tablets of sugar. When a person's sense the start of loss of consciousness, you must request immediate assistance (ambulance). But we must not try to force him to drinking or eating for fear of choking.

Lead the sweet taste of food intake to the erosion of the bad feeling caused by lack of blood sugar, while not causing any damage in case there is another cause for feeling bad.

The method of conducting the examination Examination of sugar by finger (capillary blood test - Capillary): Must first run the glucose measurement device (Glucometer) and the introduction of the slide in the designated slot. After that, you prick the tip of the finger by needle own. But always it is necessary to make sure that the unilateral use of the device or that he underwent a sterilization after last use him. Except in the cases to make sure you do not use any other person at all. The next step is clicking on both sides of the finger to allow blood to go out and accumulation at the tip of the finger. After this must be rounded finger tip with a drop of blood by measuring slice (with interest survival placed inside the device) in order to enable the blood from touching the outer part of them and the passage to the inner part. The device displays a level of sugar in the blood in a few seconds. After the completion of the examination, put a piece of cotton on the place of acupuncture to stop the bleeding and the absorption of (cleaning) the rest of it. Regular sugar screening (sugar venous examination) performed similarly to other types of routine blood tests. After drawing blood into the test tube, it is sent to the laboratory biochemical. This is not possible to get immediate results in this type of examination. How can we prepare for the examination? Examination is conducted in the morning, after at least 8 hours of eating another meal. It is possible but desirable, drink water or tea, which contains no sugar in the morning on the examination (forbidden eating milk or drinks containing sugar). The tests sugar levels that do not require fasting before entering into, they include examination of the two hours after a meal, and check load sugar (which is conducted for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes). But, for the examination of sugar, which is conducted in the home, it also calls for fasting, and is similar to a regular sugar screening, which could be conducted before meals, after meals, and even before going to sleep. After the scan There are no special notes. Analysis of the results Increase the level of sugar in the blood when the injury severe illness, when exposed to psychological pressure, when wound infection, and after surgical operations. For this, the examination in such cases be less credible and accurate. In addition, there is a need to do to conduct two tests for blood sugar levels, and in different days, in order to confirm that a person with diabetes or a previous diagnosis of diabetes injuries. Men and non-pregnant women: Sugar level less than 70 mg per 100 ml (3.9 mmol / L) is a shortage in the level of blood sugar (hypogelcemia). Sugar levels after fasting for 8 hours: Between 70-100 mg per 100 ml (9/3 to 6/5 mmol / liter): sound levels. Between 100-125 mg per 100 ml (6/5 to 9/6 mmol / L), a pre-diabetes, the type of high-sugar during fasting. An imbalance in the amount of sugar during fasting (Impaired fasting glucos - IFG) More than 126 mg per 100 ml (7 mmol / liter): diabetes. Sugar levels after two hours after the examination load of sugar (75 grams): Between 70-140 mg per 100 ml (3.9-7.8millimol / liter): Salim. Between 140-199 mg per 100 ml (8/7 to 1/11 mmol / liter): the case of pre-diabetes from low-endurance type of sugar, (IGT - Impaired glucose tolerance) - disruption of glucose tolerance More than 200 mg per 100 ml (11.1 mmol / L): the case of diabetes. In the event of the discovery of the level of sugar greater than 200 during a random check (accidental - coincidence) of blood (without a relationship with fasting or eating) as well as one for the existence of signs of diabetes (such as vision problems, kidney failure, etc.), these things combined are considered a sign of injury diabetes. Pregnant women: Healthy blood sugar before eating values are between 60-80 mg per 100 ml (3/3 to 4/4 mmol / liter). Assay results gestational diabetes: in case you get the result is greater than 130 mg per 100 ml (7.2 mmol / liter) during the first loading examination, it will be due to examine additional (Download the full sugar), in order to confirm or deny the results of downloading the first sugar and accurately diagnose the possibility of infection and gestational diabetes.

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