Tuesday 17 February 2015

Herbal treatment of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease of interest to all over the world. Medicinal plants, contrast is very popular among patients and healthy alike. Many researches examined the effectiveness of medicinal plants in the treatment of diabetes, you results.

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Diabetes is a disorder in adults metabolism caused by the disorder in the metabolism of carbohydrates, which consists of a large number of glucose molecules. Glucose levels are higher than normal, because the pancreas does not produce enough of the hormone insulin or the body is not used enough. Study has the beneficial effect of medicinal plants and natural foods and their contribution to the treatment of diabetes herbal anti-diabetes and found to be effective in many cases.

 علاج السكري بالاعشاب

Diabetes is a very common disease and the prevalence rate has increased five times during the past 35 years. Today, more than 100 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide: 30 million people in Europe and 16 million in the United States. This shows that he is not given almost devoid house of invalids diabetes. Disease factors Diabetes disease expert explains: "The main symptoms of diabetes type 1 are: weakness, weight loss, frequent urination, thirst, blurred vision, a defect in wound healing, erectile dysfunction and tingling in the limbs. Diabetes Type 2 is usually very mild symptoms. disease develops slowly, slowly the body gets used to the high sugar levels in the blood and can live for years without the knowledge of the presence of diabetes. "Experts claim that genetics is a certainly an important factor in the development of the disease, but they say that what leads to development is the food and environmental factors, is associated with this disease, perhaps more than any other disease, nutrition and the western life style. Experts also adds "increased white sugar and high-fat nutrition intake, are the main reason for the development of this disease." Overweight: found that adults who are overweight are more likely three times to develop diabetes. Caffeine: drink a lot of caffeine causes the release of adrenaline from the adrenal gland, which leads to exit sugar stocks from the liver to the blood, this process leads to insulin secretion from the pancreas and damaged its functions with the passage of time. Tension and pressure situations: secretion of adrenaline and cortisone leads to accelerated decomposition of sugar stocks which leads to insulin secretion. Chronic lack of sleep: lead to the development of insulin resistance and an increase in insulin levels in the blood, blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Defect in liver function: expressed its inability to convert sugar into glycogen. Lack of physical activity. Physical Therapy: The goal of treatment is to improve the diet of the patient and his lifestyle, as well as to reduce as much as possible of the potential complications and try to correct existing damage in the function of the pancreas and reduce insulin resistance. Experts believe that eating complex carbohydrates rich in fiber, is very important for treatment: so that the whole grains, vegetables and legumes should be the main source of nutrition. "Raising the amount of fiber in the diet, reducing the amount of animal fat, fat raise the proportion of plants and the reduction of alcoholic beverages, reducing the severity of the disease by 87%." Medicinal plant expert adds that "careful diet healthy and prepare for a healthy lifestyle prevents complications in the future, is also important to appropriate diet for each person, physiological, work, behavior, nutrition, age and daily system which combines the identification and meals dates in conjunction with taking medications and / or medicinal plants. combination with physical activity is recommended for improving and maintaining the health of diabetics and also awareness of and reflections and treatments depth and relaxation are important treatments, but the primary key to success is to continue for a long period of time and the ability to "listen to ourselves" and change with mental budget / sensual. " Treatment of diabetes herbal treatment or public medicinal plants: -lhalbh: The most common plant for the treatment of diabetes herbal. In a study that compared with the diet therapy and exercise therapy in this plant, found that patients who received the plant, in the blood had lower insulin levels significantly, as well as insulin resistance. Olive leaf reduce insulin secretion and increase the ability of sugar to enter the cells. -nepth Or taxes Emblica officinalis: Indian plant, which contain fruit on the active material of Aallsaat that inhibit enzyme activity aldose Radoctaz- Aldose reductase and prevent complications of the disease as well as the type and incidence of cataract in the eye. -aria- Gymnema sylvestre: have an impact on increasing insulin secretion from the pancreas. -mstkhals Altot- Vaccinium. Prevents damage to the eyes and blood vessels due to the high amounts of Albeofflawoonoidat it contains. -alcrdob Alcbr- Arctium lappa. Improves kidney function and helps to reduce the level of sugar in the blood and is known as a cleaner in the tissues. -kpsolat Onion and garlic: reduce insulin resistance and weight. -zi Linseed: found that improves blood sugar levels, because of the high percentage of alpha lipoic acid found in it. -nbat Bistort (Polygonum): known in folk medicine as effective in the treatment of many different skin problems, and is considered very important in the modern herbal medicine, for the treatment of skin and to treat fat level. This medicine integrates within the award-patented formula, and those dealing with blood flow problems and skin problems. Therefore, any ointment containing the required quality, be able to treat more than dry skin complex problems. Discovered in this plant and the presence of high levels of natural active substances, which are found to have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, the bleeding has stopped, speed up recovery from the damage that affects the skin, burns, infections, festering wounds open, prevents the development of infections , deep cracks and festering wounds that do not heal, stimulate blood circulation in the various complications of diabetes Kalty fungal treatment, sweating, convulsions, and so on. Thyme: The last plant that is being incorporated into creams to treat stomach pain and improve blood flow, it addresses the pain, inflammation, infections and improves blood flow. -aftriaat - Reishi -Ganoderma lucidum), reduce sugar levels and help reduce blood thinners and the absorption of oxygen in the body, helping to lower cholesterol, and effective in the treatment of allergies and many other diseases (not suitable for women with heavy session, or people who suffer from bleeding wounds after surgery). -aftriaat MAITAKE: found it useful to lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. -alheimmotsutaka: Contains a set of sugars active Albrocana that reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Diabetic Foot One of the complications of diabetes, is a chronic ulcers that may result in almost 10% of the cases to cut off limbs. These complications occur because of the lack of feeling in the legs, injuries and neglect I cease feet. "Most people with diabetes live a normal life, if they follow your doctor's instructions with regard to diet, physical activity, and the use of oral medication and insulin," experts say. But nevertheless, the experts mention, that patients who suffer from diabetes for many years may develop complications have the latter. This may occur in the kidneys, leading to the need for operations dialysis and / or kidney transplant, damage to blood vessels in the brain to the point of stroke, blockage of blood vessels in the heart that lead to angina, heart attack, damage to small blood vessels in the retina, which may ends with blindness, caused damage to the peripheral nervous system that may lead to loss of sensation, erectile dysfunction, dizziness, digestive problems and urinary tract and of course ulcers appearance in the feet, which displays presented the patient at risk, and that caused the maximum amputation cases. According to experts, the feet of diabetic patients are more sensitive because many of them do not feel pain because of problems with blood flow. Therefore, the wound may get worse before they are treated. Diabetic foot is one of the difficult complications of diabetes. In recent years, there is an increase in awareness of the foot sugary and make great efforts to prevent and treatment early, to limit the extent of the damage and prevent amputation and death. "Foods and medicinal plants and natural used to treat diabetes herbal rich ingredients and active substances, known by its ability to help people with diabetes in each stage of the disease, both in the prevention or treatment. Medicinal plants used both externally and internally known to all people forms Mokhtlfah- extracts, teas, plant dry , fresh plant. the first condition for the production of effective products is the quality of raw materials (the same plant) and how the product extraction. plants in ointments and creams known that a good effect for the treatment and prevention common problems for patients with diabetes include everyday problems that concern them at different levels., and sometimes do not enjoy interest in a timely manner. dry skin is a clear sign that the vascular system is not at its best and the use of appropriate creams, can skin treatment at the same time also improves the performance of the circulatory system. It is very important to balance the level of the- PH of the skin to prevent and reduce the possibility of the development of bacterial and fungal infections. I cease cleaner feet I cease to ensure the cleanliness of the feet and devote a few minutes each day to take care of the feet can prevent a large and painful problems. I cease recommended washing feet daily with soap and water. I cease should not soak the feet in the water. Water should be lukewarm to prevent the possibility of injury, burns. At the end of each shower, it is important to dry your feet well. Also, be careful survey between toes of the feet gently, where he was a convenient place for the development of fungi. It is important to check I cease by the feet touch the foot palm and looking at it through a magnifying mirror, control whether any cracks appeared, redness, irritation, dehydration and any other changes. Dry and cracked heels should be painted with oil after washing, but should not be fat oil between the toes. In the bathroom, in the sea and swimming pool, it is recommended to wear plastic slippers and not to walk barefoot at all. As well as the recommended change socks every day and make sure they complete and smooth, made of absorbent material to race, such as cotton, linen or wool. Trim toenails should be straight and not curved line, to prevent the penetration of the nail to the skin, which can cause inflammation and infections. If you find it difficult to cut it is advisable to go to a professional person. Treatment of warts This should be done before treatment of people specialized diabetic foot care, it is important to teach them that the person suffers from diabetes so as not to address the way that does not fit their health status. One of the other methods that have proven they maintain the health of the patients I cease feet, is the use of special shoes that protect feet from injuries and bruises. Shoes inappropriate may lead to pressure on certain parts of the palm of the foot, which may lead to injury wound, and one of the ways to avoid this problem, is to use a specially designed shoes for diabetics. Shoe that does not put pressure on specific places, and distributes the weight properly between all parts of the foot palm.

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