Tuesday 24 February 2015

First degree burns

نتيجة بحث الصور عن الحروق

First aid for burns: - Initial actions: - Must determine the type and source of the burn: Thermal - chemical - electric - radiation - sunburn. * Rating: (1) determine the burn type: - Burns of the first degree (superficial): Only affected by the surface layer of the skin, and the skin acquires a red color and becomes dry, and is accompanied by the appearance of puffiness and swelling, and often painful burning. - Second degree burns (partial) and affected the inner and outer layer of the skin, and is red in color and scattered pimples on the surface filled with fluid so that the skin appears as if it is always wet when this explosion pimples. These painful burns and swelling occur and leave marks on the skin. - Third-degree burns (College): destroy all layers of the skin, including Althtanih cells, fat, muscle, bone, nerves, and it appears the place burning in brown or black while the internal tissues shall take the white color and these wounds extremely painful or does not feel human-Ali all in the case of the destruction of nerve endings that are found on the skin surface. Often accompanied by (around) painful burns from second-degree burns threaten human life and are exposed to infection. (2) determine the extent of the danger: - Can cause breathing problems in the case of burns around the nose or mouth. - Scattered in more than one part of the body. - The effect on the different areas of the body: neck - the head - hands - foot - the genitals. - Is burning the infected child or adult with identifying the type of burn. - Identify the source of the burn: chemical - electric - nuclear - as a result of the explosion - exposure to the sun. (3) determine the incidence rates for each member of the body of knowledge of the degree of the burn: - Grown ups: Head = 9% Yemeni = 9% arm Front torso area = 18% Genital area = 1% Rear trunk area = 18% The man left = 18% Yemeni = 9% arm Yemeni men = 18% - Children: Head = 9% Yemeni = 9% arm Front torso area = 18% Genital area = 1% Rear trunk area 8% The man left = 13.5% Left arm = 9% Yemeni men = 13.5% * Warnings: - Treatment depends on the type of burn. - Cause electrical burns, wounds they appear on the surface while the internal tissues have been completely destroyed inside. - Affected children under the age of 5 years, and adults over the age of 50 years burns more because the external skin layer have thin. - People who have suffered health problems from severe burns and dangerous, especially if there was a lack of nutrition - related to heart or total or who have problems you offer to the source of the burn for a long time can not easily escape from it. * First aid for burns, first-class protocol: - Remove the person from the source of the fire immediately. - Are put cold water on the thermal burns and large quantity and the condition should not be frozen. - If the result of the bitumen used cold water with no removal of bitumen. - Breath control because the burns cause a blockage in the air passages of what caused the swelling (when Cause burns in the airways or lung area). - Snow or ice water to be used only in the case of small superficial burns. - After a lull burning and put cold water on him, the dressing, or any contact with the tissues of him, but in the case of adhesion is not recommended to be removed at all. - Burn covers a dry bandage sterile air to keep him. - You do not need Statistics burns specialist medical care, even where there are some pimples and are treated as open wounds are washed with soap and water, then are put antibiotic ointment by covering it with a bandage. - For the third degree wounds any serious wounds they need extensive medical care, and the patient has to be relaxed and be lifted burned part above the heart level, if possible. - Maintain the temperature of the body, because the person burned often exposed to cold sensation. - The use of oxygen and burns, especially in the face and mouth. * Resort to the doctor: - Is to resort to the doctor: - All cases of third-degree burns. - Burns that exist around the nose and mouth. - All serious burns that threaten human life. - Second-degree burns that are affected places in the body exceeds 5%. - Burns suffered by the victim of the infection.

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