Tuesday 24 February 2015

Initial first aid procedures for shortness of breath

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ضيق التنفس

- The severity of the symptoms. - Have you been subjected to bouts of shortness of breath before? - Is the patient suffering from pain or tightness in the chest, heart palpitations or secreting copious sweat - cough - or numbness of hands and around the mouth? - Do Ieana patient from severe anxiety or nervous tension? - Are the injury by infected with respiratory or injury by: asthma - heart disease - the failure of the heart muscle congested - or sensitivity? - Have you been exposed to dust or other environmental factors? - Do you eat any medication or drugs? * Shortness of breath Rating: - Measurement of vital signs, particularly temperature and breathing. - Note the extent of breath and an average depth, and whether there are any abnormal signs. - Note the general appearance. - Note the presence of wheezing in the chest - cough - use muscles for breathing - chest tightness or pain. - Note any symptoms of fainting or loss of consciousness. * Warnings: - Shortness of breath, either to have a relationship with heart problems or respiratory tract. - And heart-related symptoms include: chest pain - shortness of breath - sweat Gxir- nausea. - The symptoms of pneumonia, it also includes shortness of breath and with a fever and cough. - Cause severe anxiety breathing problems, especially the psychological pressure on the person when a family member was death or injury. The symptoms include: rapid breathing, tingling hands or region you are located around the mouth. * First Aid for shortness of breath protocol: - Measurement of vital signs. - The patient is always a seated position. - Calm the patient. - The use of medication if necessary. - Oxygen is used depends on the quantity depending on the situation. * Resort to the doctor: - In all cases of shortness of breath that does not subside after a patient taking a rest, and whether they are related to pain in the chest or not. - All cases of acute asthma. - If the owner of a cough or shortness of breath meaty case.

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