Sunday 22 February 2015


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Bile sac is a bag-like pear falls below the liver. Liver secretes bile, which concentrated 12 times and sad in the gallbladder and bile up yellow bile or constriction of the bag after the bile to twelve when you need any after eating. Yellow and function is to help digest fatty substances. When injury gallbladder wall infections, they are unable to empty the contents of contraction, as incapable of yellow installation. And then hang digest fatty substances. And gallstones usually follows repeated infections, gallstones are frequently in women over the age of forty who Tqadhen frequent pregnancy, childbirth and the slack for the movement. And food and a clear impact in the formation of these stones, Valgalb in the eastern food that depends on the fat so that gives us about 40% of the calories we need, with that nutrition scientists always advise should be limited to 20 percent of calories needed for a person of fatty substances. And cholesterol-rich material different from fat food, it is known that this material can be a bit of gallstones and intestinal infections or respiratory, and may be directly responsible for the start of acute gall bladder infection, if not addressed these conditions early. And the seriousness of gallstones when you do not treat is that they can cause severe inflammation or Takiha surrounds the liver, Sididip pockets. And metabolic disorders (ie the way in which disorder whereby the body can transform food into energy used by the cells of the body) may be a reason to be gallstones. It is imperative that colic bile that preceded markers predict disease bitterness, then a time when one feels a sharp pain in the upper part of the right side of the abdomen, and he feels as if there is a belt compressor on the middle comes, in particular, the pain spread to his right shoulder, but it may go directly to the back and commends the same patient in an attempt to alleviate this suffering is usually referring physician job hot compresses on the affected part and given strong pain relievers. If the stones moved from the gallbladder to the bile ducts, they may cause yellow or severe acute colic. As the bile can not move from the gallbladder due to the blockage of the channel gravel, they suck blood and cause damage to the liver and the blood and the body in general. And fatty substances strain bitterness, and prevent it at all cause a recession in the gallbladder bile. But this was allowed by fat does not exceed 20% of the food is a reasonable compromise. And fatty substances containing vitamins A, D, E, A, D, E for it had to be that man deals with small amounts of fat in the diet, so that it can take advantage of these elements. It must be eaten red meat and a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as it should refrain from starch-rich materials such as cakes and sweets. Has been known from ancient times that olive oil is easy to send the gallbladder bile to the intestine instead of bitter recession itself and its channels, so eating a teaspoon a day of pure olive oil improves the situation. Other foods that are permitted by (cheese) fat-free, free of fiber, vegetables, and fruit of the seeds should be filtered to remove the seeds from them. And must refrain from spicy materials such as vinegar and pepper, soft drinks and ice cream and sausage because they are all strain bitterness. The liver, which is a yellow plant more members digestion sensitivity to stimuli and emotions. Experiments have been conducted on animals proved them yellow stops in critical conditions. When you remove the gallbladder, the bile ducts that connect the liver and gallbladder to the intestine and then, growing up and working as a store of yellow. This is why life is not affected much by removing the gallbladder. In addition, the liver can store as yellow works as a store reserves. But when improves the removal of the gall bladder, there are four important conditions require this procedure: 1. When there is an acute inflammation of Merari can be diagnosed by increased temperature, increased pain which seems to be in the gallbladder area when pressed by the doctor, and the rise of white blood cells in the blood ratio and the rays show that the gallbladder an infection. 2. When the patient gets frequent bouts of acute biliary colic due to the presence of gallstones. 3. When the x-ray showed no bitterness to perform its function. This is accompanied by the patient's complaint of chronic indigestion and vomiting sensation, gases and pain in the right part of the abdomen. 4. When you hang the work of bitterness due to blockage of the bile ducts Bhsah. To avert the stones must lose weight to the appropriate rate for the length and follow food diet.

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